Are you familiar with the DISC system? It helps categorize people into types, often referred to by their color. Like all personality tests, it's not scientific, but it's a quick easy to help communicate with people better. Most people are either one or two colors. 

When Kara and I teach the disc system to people we inevitably get someone who says "I'm every color. I'm more xxx at work, but at home I'm yyyy, and when I coach soccer I'm zzzz". Usually I tell them to focus on their work personality, since we're trying to improve our work. 

But... I've been thinking about this. These people are splitting their personality into what they think it's "expected" of them in different situations. Do they really know who they are? 

Read most books on leadership and they advocate a strong personality, making decisions quickly, and pushing their people to work "better". I spent about a decade being this type of person at work. I was miserable. Why? Because I wasn't being true to who I really am. Now I'm the creative flake and am happier.

Do you have different personality traits you take on and off as needed? Spend a little time doing some self reflection. What makes you happy? Are you behaving one way because it's expected of you? Who are you when no one is looking? 

We're happier and more productive when we accept who we are. There's room in the world for every type. Even your true self.